Zoomer Zupps the Tiny Unicorn

Toy manufactures mainly use pink to appeal to girls because it’s a cute and soft colour as well as symbolising nurturing, girl power and not forgetting love too.

Black, on the other hand would be too hard, blue too cold and red too mature.

The reason for coming across so many of these pink toys and not so much the ones belonging to boys is probably because girls like to take them out and about just like their mothers do with them, therefore appealing to their nurturing instinct reinforced by their cuteness.

So here’s yet another pink adorable must have, Zoomer Zupps, the Tiny Unicorn toy. And by the way she’s manufactured by Spin Master just in case you like the look of her and want one of your own.

It’s not just attracting girls in the way I’ve just mentioned but also make them aware of class as this unicorn’s a second class citizen compared to her more expensive sister version Zoomer Show Pony who mimics an actual real pet. That’s right, you can feed her and she can even respond to your commands by learning new tricks too accompanied by pony like responses. What’s even more real is that she gets upset when she’s had too much sugar cubes by going a little hyper; just like your child would in real life. Sadly her little sister is no rival as she just simply lights up her tiny horn and eyes while making a few horse like noises but I’m sure she’s very much adored so I popped her back where I found her.

In the meantime you can find out more about Zoomer Show Pony right here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcWcRM_3RaI&t=29s


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