
Showing posts from September, 2024


This cute little neckless is typically made with fake white pearls.   

Little Miss Brave

  Perhaps Little Miss Brave was awarded to mark a particular momentous occasion or challenging moment in a child's life such as their first visit to the dentist or even first day at school especially as she was found attached to a telegraph pole outside some school gates this week as this was the first week back after the summer holidays. 

Zoomer Zupps the Tiny Unicorn

Toy manufactures mainly use pink to appeal to girls because it’s a cute and soft colour as well as symbolising nurturing, girl power and not forgetting love too. Black, on the other hand would be too hard, blue too cold and red too mature. The reason for coming across so many of these pink toys and not so much the ones belonging to boys is probably because girls like to take them out and about just like their mothers do with them, therefore appealing to their nurturing instinct reinforced by their cuteness. So here’s yet another pink adorable must have, Zoomer Zupps, the Tiny Unicorn toy . And by the way s he’s manufactured by Spin Maste r just in case you like the look of her and want one of your own . It’s not just attracting girls in the way I’ve just mentioned but also make them aware of class as t his unicorn’s a second class citizen compared to her more expensive sister version Zoomer Show Pony who mimics an actual real pet. That’s right, you can feed her and she

Rubik's cube

Another find from the potting shed. One of the original all-the-rage 1980’s rubik's cube. This keyring version offers hours of fun as you try to fill each side with one of the six colours. All the kids were trying to master this simple puzzle but it seemed unbeatable until a cheat book was issued which killed the game in an instant. If you can solve it then it’s no longer a challenge; so let’s move on to the latest craze...