Chinese find

This is a Chinese key ring and probably came all the way from Hong Kong. The city was once owned by the UK but was returned back to communist China in 1997 after a 100 year rule.

Of late there have been mass protests that have erupted for not being able to criticize Chinese ruling powers over their city; dissidents are either silenced or punished.

Before 1997 Hong Kong had become a very powerful city. When I was growing up many of our toys were stamped with ‘made in Hong Kong’ as plastic was a very profitable business during the 1950’s to the 1980’s.

Luckily people living there before the change over are considered British nationals so have the right to live in the UK today. Many have taken this opportunity and so today you see a lot more Chinese people out and about. So this find is part of the story of the people of Hong Kong now having escaped the clutches of China’s rule.



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