Trolley token

Trolley tokens or pound coins are needed to allow costumers to use supermarket trolleys for their groceries, this prevents them from being wheeled off and used for purposes other than what they were originally intended. For example where supermarkets don’t use this facility shopping trolley’s have been known to stray further afield being dredged up from river beds, helping towards polluting the environment. Some places now have trolleys that become locked if they venture any further than store car parks. As mentioned earlier £1 coins usually fit but trolley tokens are often preferred in case you don’t have a pound coin to spare or prefer cashless payments.

There have been occasions where people have forgotten to take out their tokens or coins; this one was found beside a cash machine in town. It’s still available to purchase online and is called a Trolley Buddy. Others can be bought from various charities to help support them, costing as little as £1.50.


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